Parenting can feel messy, overwhelming, and exhausting at times.

You love your children and feel blessed. But, parenting isn’t easy.

There are thousands of guidebooks for parenting but what works one day often doesn’t work the next. Plus, you may find yourself stretched thin managing your household, kids, work, and other responsibilities. It’s easy to end up feeling overwhelmed and exhausted.

Over time, you may find yourself:

  • Reacting too strongly to situations
  • Losing your patience
  • Questioning yourself as a parent
  • Feeling unsure how to handle difficult issues or conflicts, like tantrums, talking back, or rule-breaking

You may end up feeling stuck. You may struggle to balance providing the structure and rules they need while also giving them space to make mistakes, learn, and enjoy their childhood.

It can also be hard to ask others for help, fearing they may judge you. Or you may end up with so many different opinions that you feel more confused.

Our online parent support therapy empowers you to be the parent you want to be.

As a parent, you don’t have to do everything and figure it all out on your own — especially if nothing seems to be working. 

As licensed marriage and family therapists, we use proven methods, tools, and strategies, along with God’s Word, to help you enhance your relationship with your child and family and empower you as a parent. 

We create a safe, judgment-free space for you to explore your thoughts, feelings, and challenges as a parent. We work with your philosophy, values, and beliefs and tailor sessions to meet your unique needs.

We support you and help you work through parenting challenges. So you can confidently implement strategies that allow you to better understand your children, your family as a unit, and be the parent your family needs.

Get the support and tools you need for each parenting phase.

Our expert Christian counselors specialize in helping you embrace being a parent through all the different parenting phases — from infancy, pre-schooler, childhood, adolescence, and young adulthood. So you can successfully prepare them for adulthood.

Our online parent support therapy will help you:

  • Develop tools and strategies to address the parenting challenges you face
  • Feel empowered as a parent
  • Develop tools and strategies to address the parenting challenges you face
  • Teach your child how to develop the skills they need at different phases of their life
  • Understand your child’s emotional and developmental needs
  • Learn how to effectively communicate with your child
  • Develop strategies to limit inappropriate behavior and consistently apply discipline

Our Christian counselors are here for you — so that you can be the parent you dreamed of being.

We will support you as you work through the struggles you face. So you can overcome past experiences,  today’s challenges, and live a purposeful life that’s aligned with your relationship with God.